Photos by Katie Godowski
Yukiko Izumi, The Seaport, NYC 2024
Artist Bio: Yukiko is a freelance graphic designer and muralist based in Brooklyn, NY. She was born in Japan and holds a B.A. and M.A. in Interior Design and Living Environment Study from Bunka Gakuen University, as well as an M.A. in Industrial Design from Designskolen Kolding in Denmark. Her passion for Japanese simplicity stems from her upbringing and her experience living in America for a year when she was 12. This visit to the States inspired her to research Japanese design and build a cultural bridge between countries. Through her visual art and design works, Yukiko finds a great opportunity to overcome language barriers overseas. She is currently affiliated with Thrive Collective and Groundswell, two renowned community mural organizations in NYC.
Artist statement:
(EN) The mural work, “Letter from Japan to NYC,” is a visual art piece created to alleviate the sense of loneliness experienced while living abroad. The artist wanted to convey the message, “You are not alone,” through the warmth and connection brought by letters from friends. Through artist living abroad experience, letters were rare items that usually arrived in an empty mailbox, and the words written within them were a source of encouragement and joy.
This piece was inspired by letters received from friends in the past, reconstructing messages of encouragement for each other in a new environment. The many layers symbolize the exchange of emails over time. The stamps feature icons representing Japan, communicating its origin even to those who cannot read Japanese. The postmark stamp includes the date the mural was created, and the address indicates the location of the mural.
By adding the words “私も” (Watashi mo) to the Japanese translation of “You are not alone,” the exchange of letters is expressed as a mutual connection, not just a one-way communication. Furthermore, the phrase “大丈夫、一人じゃない” (Daijoubu, hitori janai) resonates more deeply within Japanese culture, becoming a message that touches the heart. This work aims to convey the powerful sensation of not being alone through a combination of visual elements and cultural nuances.
(JP)「Letter from Japan to NYC」は、海外生活の孤独感を和らげたいと思い作られたビジュアルアート作品です。友人からの手紙がもたらす温かさとつながりを通じて、「You are not alone」というメッセージを伝えたいと考えました。海外一人暮らしの経験上、手紙は、通常空のポストに届く珍しいアイテムであり、その中に書かれた言葉は励ましと喜びの源です。
「You are not alone」の日本語訳に「私も」という言葉を加えることで、手紙のやり取りが単なる一方通行ではなく、相互のつながりを表現しています。また、「大丈夫、一人じゃない」というフレーズは、日本文化においてより共感を呼び、心に響くメッセージとなっています。この作品は、視覚的な要素と文化的なニュアンスを組み合わせ、孤独ではないという強力な感覚を視覚的にも伝えることを目指しています。
Don't worry! You’re not alone, and neither am I.
How are you doing?
How’s life in NY?
I always check out your Instagram posts!!
Seeing your post made me feel like I am traveling abroad.
It’s strangely hot in Japan for late April, How about there? Still cold?
By the way, I’ve recently changed jobs and moved, and it was quite a challenge!!
Even though it’s still within Japan (haha).
I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like abroad!!!
But you’re doing amazing things overseas, really impressive.
I’ve got to keep up the good work too.
Looking forward to seeing all the great things you’ll do.
Just take care of yourself, health comes first!(Especially mental health.)
I’ll write again soon. Don’t overdo it, okay?
それでも海外でいろんなことにチャレンジしていて 本当にすごいよ。